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Fall 2024 ELO-P Interest Form

After School Program

This Fall, MUSD will again offer an 'Expanded Learning Opportunities Program' (ELO-P).

Your child may qualify for participation in this FREE program if they are English Learners, Foster or

Homeless Youth, or if your family qualifies for free/reduced meals based on our school meal

application. Every school day, plus 30 additional days per year, 'ELO-P' is open from 7am to 4pm for

these specific students in TK - 6th grade.

If your child qualifies, you can choose to send them before school, after school, or both. We provide a

fun, safe and engaging environment which includes learning, enrichment, free play, nutritious meals

and various field trips! All we ask is that you let us know ahead of time which days/times your child

will attend so we can plan staffing. Marking 'Yes' to the program question on this form will tell us you

are interested, and we will contact you to confirm that your child has a spot. Please do not send

your child to ELO-P without first being contacted by us to confirm their spot. If you are not interested

in ELO-P for your child, please respond "no". If your child already attends ELO-P, it is not necessary

to fill this form out again.

Thank you!

Sherrilynn Polanco - Learning Director + ELO-P Coordinator

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns - You can message me directly on

Parent Square, email me at [email protected], or call my

office phone at 760-934-7545 ext. 339.


Student Information

Parent Information


Are you interested in E-LOP for your child this year?
Answer Required
Confirmation Email